Executive Editor:
Meg Twycross (Lancaster University)
General Editors:
Sarah Carpenter (University of Edinburgh)
Elisabeth Dutton (Universit de Fribourg)
Gordon Kipling (UCLA)
Board Members:
Philip Butterworth (University of Leeds)
Garrett Epp (University of Alberta, Université Catholique de Lille)
Richard Hillman (Université de Tours)
Pamela M. King (University of Glasgow)
Sally-Beth MacLean (University of Toronto)
James McBain (Green Templeton College, Oxford)
John McGavin (University of Southampton)
John McKinnell (University of Durham)
Peter Meredith (University of Leeds)
Tom Pettitt (University of Southern Denmark, Odense)
Matthew Sergi (University of Toronto)
Greg Walker (University of Edinburgh).
Latin Consultant:
Alison Samuels (Oxford).
Subscriptions Editor (Back Numbers):
Clare Egan (Lancaster University).