The Medieval English Theatre Society is open to anyone with an interest in early theatre, providing a forum for discussion, events, and publication.
Membership runs by the calendar year.
The membership subscription for 2024 is £10 (£5 for students). This entitles members to:
- Advance information about the annual conference meeting and other activities
- A preferential rate for conference attendance
- A preferential price for the current journal volume*
- Voting rights in the Society Business Meeting
- Access to advice from the membership list on research questions (via the Secretary).
Membership dues are used by the society to cover its costs, including website maintenance, direct debit collection, occasional costs arising from the annual conference, and our program of post-graduate student bursaries, which support early career research students with conference attendance costs.
* The preferential price for volumes of METh includes a discount of 40%. This applies to both paper and e-book versions. When you pay your membership fee, the Treasurer will send you the code to activate this discount, which you should quote when you order from the Boydell & Brewer website.
Boydell & Brewer have kindly extended this discount to all the back numbers of METh which they publish, going back to Volume 37 (2015). See Boydell & Brewer
website for Volume 44 (2022), and go to bottom of screen for other volumes. Volume 45 (2023) is now at press.
Overseas Members
We are offering overseas full members who envisage long-term membership of METh a ten-year membership (£100), which would be paid in one bank transfer, with nothing further to pay during that time. We also offer an eleventh year of membership free as a bonus.
For overseas post-graduate researchers, we are offering a three-year membership for £15, again with a fourth year free of charge.
To register as an overseas member, please complete the form and contact Liv Robinson (