AUTHOR TITLE                 Pages
Philip Butterworth Pageant-Carriage Maintenance at Chester    
Summary and sample PDF pages
5 – 34
Tom Pettitt Carnevale in Norwich, 1443: Gladman’s Parade and its Continental Connections
Summary and sample PDF pages
35 – 76
James Stokes The Beccles Game Place and Local Drama in Early North-East Suffolk
Summary and sample PDF pages
77 – 102
Jamie Beckett Pendens super feretrum: Fergus, Aelred, and the York ‘Funeral of the Virgin’    
Summary and sample PDF pages
103 – 125
James McBain George Gascoigne at Oxford    
Summary and sample PDF pages
126 – 140
Diana Wyatt Elizabeth Nevile’s Wedding Entertainments: A Yorkshire Family Celebration in 1526
and its Contexts    
Summary and sample PDF pages
141 – 157
Peter Happé Herod’s Killing of the Children in New College Chapel Oxford, 8 February 2017 (review)    
Summary and sample PDF pages
158 – 159

Links to On-Line Images and Footnote References


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© Meg Twycross 2018