At Press


AUTHOR TITLE                 Pages
Meg Twycross John Blanke‘s Hat and its Contexts: Part One: Turbans and Islamic Dress at the Court of Henry VIII    
Sadegh Attari Disjointed Unison: Bodily Porousness and Subversion in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament
Mark Chambers The Disabled Body as Performance: ‘Disabled’ Performers in the Records of Early English Drama
Janet Cowen From Huy To Primrose Hill: An Early-Twentieth-Century English Re-Playing of a Fifteenth-Century Liégeois Nativity Play
Aurélie Blanc ‘More medieval morality play than 21st century’: Spectacle and its Meaning at the Coronation of King Charles III    
Sarah Carpenter Reports of productions: The Seven Sages of Scotland, Edinburgh July 2023    
  Volume Index  
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© Meg Twycross 2023