British Library MS Royal 14 E I fol. 3r (Vincent of Beauvais) and MS Royal 18 E III fol.24r (Valerius Maximus).

Saturday 26 March 2022


Editing and Adapting: In Memory of Peter Happé and Martial Rose




Hosted by Jodi-Anne George from the University of Dundee.



The 2022 Medieval English Theatre Meeting will take place
online on Saturday 26 March
between 9.45 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.

To register FREE, please go to Eventbright and follow their instructions.





Printable .pdf version here


9.45-10.00 Welcome (Jo George, Dundee University)   



10.00-11.00 Philip Butterworth:
‘“St Botolph forever”, on corresponding with Martial Rose ’
Meg Twycross:
‘What did the 18th century think of Medieval Theatre?’


11.00-11.30 Coffee/Tea Break


11.30-12.30 Bart Ramakers:
‘The Promised Land: Staging and Editing a Middle Dutch Dinner Play’
Elsa Strietman:
‘Texts in Stages? From Source Texts to Stage’


12.30-13.30 Lunch   


13.30-14.30 Garrett Epp
‘Performance > edition’
Pamela King:
‘Perpetually Editing Towneley: a new textual note on Mrs Noah’s “Stafford Blue”’


14.30-14.45 Tea/Coffee Break


14.45-15.45 Diana Wyatt:
‘“John Trusloue and six others did Act a play in Skipsey church vpon new yeares day last after eueninge praier.” Editing the playing, not the play text: a REED case study.’
Eleanor Bloomfield:
‘Cutting the Cycle: Shaping the York Mystery Plays’
15.45-16.15 Tea/Coffee Break
16.15-17.15 Jeffery G. Stoyanoff :
‘TikTok-ing the “The Fall”: Adapting Performance to Students’ Native Digital Spaces.’
Tom Straszewski:
‘Framing the York Mystery Plays: text, site and community as theatrical bricolage’


17.30-18.30 Business Meeting   






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© Meg Twycross 2022